
Pay By The Hour.


Free Initial Consult + 1 Session

Includes Kick Starter Session

  • Profession Life Coaching
  • Hypnotherapy Work
  • Free Meditation Audio

$250 per Session

Valued at $350 (save $100)


(Most Popular)

Get 3 Months of world class life and hypnotherapy coaching

Initial Consult + 3 Sessions Per Month

Includes Kick Starter Session

  • Professional Life Coaching
  • Hypnotherapy Work
  • Free Access To Workshops
  • Free Meditation Audio
  • Free Paperback of ‘3 Steps To Inspiration For Life’ Book

3 Monthly Payments of $600

Total $1800.00 (Save $700)


(Best Value)


Get 3 Months of world class life and hypnotherapy coaching

Initial Consult + 3 Sessions Per Month

Includes Kick Starter Session

  • Professional Life Coaching
  • Hypnotherapy Work
  • Free Access To Workshops
  • Free Meditation Audio
  • Free Paperback of ‘3 Steps To Inspiration For Life’ Book

1 Payment of $1500

Total: $1500 (Save $950)


At For Life Coaching our packages and sessions vary to suit your needs.

We offer individual sessions or tailored packages that range as per your requirement. Feel free to discuss available options.

Flexible to assist according to your preferred method, of one on one or over the phone at a time that fits in with your schedule.

Face-to-Face meeting is the preferred coaching style as it provides a unique working relationship where a personal connection is important.

Meeting with your coach can provide valuable self-awareness in terms of body language, communication style and much more.

Choosing One-on-one coaching means choosing the right location for in-depth dialogue. This means a location that offers privacy, confidentiality, no distraction and one that is conductive to holding free, open, honest discussion.

I would recommend discussing the choices and options with your coach during the initial contact conversation.

  • The coach will have an initial conversation and answer any questions
  • Meeting dates and times will be set

Receive world class hypnotherapy and life coaching that’s guaranteed to deliver lasting results!

  • Report on first meeting
  • Raises personal awareness of current situation
  • Highlights greater clarity, focus and direction in your life
  • Works on designing your future
  • Uncover self-sabotaging actions
  • Provides the ‘kick start’ needed to create life chang
  • Where inspiration comes from
  • What you can do on a daily basis
  • The benefits of being inspired​

‘3 Steps To Inspiration’ Book

Insightful easy to read yet powerful view on the magnificent capability of the mind coupled with intuition. Find your true life purpose and master living a meaningful inspiring life.

Prepare yourself for some views and ideals that will help you reflect and guide you on a path that you might already be familiar with, if you’re not familiar with the entire path you will be familiar with at the very least certain parts of it.

Price: Valued at $27.00 – Buy the hard copy for only $14.95 ! (Includes Postage & Handling)

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